Old Maxville Church Lot 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Rhody Index
Section 8A Row 1
stone 1, George W. and Carrie B. Martin
stone 2, Ina and Elza Rhody
stone 3, Martha Wright
stone 4, Thomas O. Tharp
stone 5, Lucinda Wood Tharp
stone 6, Sarah A. Tharp
Section 8B Row 1
stone 1, John W. Ullman
stone 1b, Hillard Murry Merryweather
Feb 18 1917 Feb 10, 1970 Husband, Father, Grandfather Friend to All
stone 2, Lister O. Parker
stone 3, Richard C. Johnson
stone 4, John P. and Arwilda Wall
stone 5, Don G. Wall
stone 6, Adaline Fetters Myers
stone 7, Lewis W. Myers
stone 8, Gilbert and Josie Woolf
stone 9, Lafe and Maud Mosier
Section 8C, Row 1
stone 1, Thomas L. and Mariah Painter
stone 2, Carl and Emma Painter
stone 3, David and Martha Stump
stone 4, Powell Clark
stone 5, Delilah Clark
stone 6, Raymond G. Clark
stone 7, Carl and Esther Earley
stone 8, Dennis R. and Mary Maxine Pedigo
stone 9, Mable J. Lowry
Section 8D, Row 1
stone 1, Roger and Evelyn Coats
site 1.5, Shirley Coats 1935-2010
stone 2, Abner and Sally Read
stone 3, Clyde O. and Lenna R. Watson
stone 4, Beverly Ann Koger
Beverly Koger 1933 - 1966, Karl Koger Jr., 1927 - 2012 (October 2015)
stone 5, Walter E. and Necia M. Bond
stone 6, Robert L. and Sarah Ford
stone 7, Clarence and Mary Pursley
stone 7.5, Vester Newell and Donetta Clear King
stone 8, Hubert K. and Adda Enola Clevenger
Section 8A, Row 2
stone 0.5, Wilbur R. and Wanda F. Grove
(June 2022)
stone 1, Clatie F. and Effie M. Mills
stone 2, Robert M. and Rose A. Scott
stone 3, Tharp Surname Marker
stone 4, John R. Curry
Section 8B, Row 2
stone 1, Family of Charles E. Reed Family, Charles E., Zella M. and daughter Madonna Beth
stone 1.5, John E. and Catherine D. Wall
stone 2, William Gilbert and Cathelene B. Devine
stone 3, Otis and Beatrice Lamb and infant son Duane
Section 8C, Row 2
stone 1, Elias L. and Marietta Rust
stone 2 , Irvin and Gertrude Rust
stone 3, Tina Kay Oxley
stone 4, Orvan M. and Reba L. Oxley
stone 4.5, Kathleen Anita Oxley
stone 5, Clark Family Marker
stone 6, Lowery L. and Ella E. Earley
stone 7, Frank Slaughter
stone 8, Ward R. Sr. and Modjeska W. Slaughter
Section 8D, Row 2
stone 1, Curry Family Marker, Mildred Curry, Robert Curry
stone 1.5, Robert J. Jr. and Carolyn J. Curry
stone 2, Gail T. and Hestella F. Meranda
daughter Joyce A. Spangler 1939-2014 (October 2015)
stone 3, Orval N. and Olive C. Ullom
stone 4, Jerry King family, Sandra d. 27 Jun 2023
stone 4, east side
stone 5, Donald McIntyre family
stone 6, Joe Dale Owens family
(June 2022)
stone 7, Dawn Marie Craig
stone 8, Ray E. and Lillian S. Mosier
Section 8A, Row 3
stone 1, John and Rebecca Disinger
stone 1.5, Marvin J. and Marie C. Disinger
stone 2, Jack Tharp
Section 8B, Row 3
stone 1, Sherman and May Wright
stone 2, Garver Charles and Madge Eckhart Wright
stone 2.5, Richard Gaines
stone 3, Ben, Nina and Pauline Brooks
stone 4, Arthur Perkins
stone 5, Perkins Family Marker
stone 6, Calvin and Alice Thornburg
stone 7, Dondeana King Cross
Section 8C, Row 3
stone 1, Walter, Dora and Martin Harshman
stone 1.5, Orvan Maurice Oxley
stone 2, Samuel and Harriet Spillers
stone 3, Freda Gates
stone 4, Chester A. Clark
stone 4b, Ethel G. Clark
stone 5, Guineth M. Clark
stone 6, Lela E. Stewart
stone 7, Mary E. Miller
stone 8, Evert Miller
stone 9, David Harper
stone 10, Lee and Mary Cook
stone 11, Lawrence W. Cook
Section 8D, Row 3
stone 1, Watson J. Clark
stone 2, Lester H. and Rosa A. Cortner
stone 3, Barbara Ann Cortner
stone 3.5, Kenneth, Elsie, John Robert and Lana Jo Wolfe
stone 4, Noble and Opal Painter
stone 5, Herman and Emma Parker
stone 6, Ralph and Florence Hutchens
stone 7, Gertrude Denny
stone 8, Barbara Reeves, Howard Reeves
stone 9, New Grave, unknown
stone 10, New Grave, unknown
Section 8A, Row 4
stone 0.5, LeRoy and Thelma Bales
stone 1, William and May Reed
stone 2, Jeune B. Paris, Florence Paris Shannon
stone 3, William Bert and Laura B. Paris
stone 4, Grace L. Dull
stone 5, Martha E. Stephens
stone 6, Mary L. Ward Dull
stone 7, Harvey and Bertha Driver
Section 8B, Row 4
stone 1, Roscoe and Lillian Smith
stone 1.3, Alvie and Frances Medler
stone 1.5, Laverne and Christine Brooks
stone 2, Ida L. Brady
stone 3, Dora E. Ingalls
stone 4, Sarah Belle Brady
stone 5, John H. Brady
Section 8C, Row 4
stone 1, Alva and Ethel Miller
stone 1.5, Fred and Marie Miller
stone 2, William and Ida Lang, Ivory H. Lang Addington
Section 8D, Row 4
stone 1, James, Susie, and Raymond Miller
stone 2, William and Margie Parker
stone 3, John and Esther Lamb
stone 4, Forrest and Jeanne Parkison, Phillip Parkison
stone 5, Robert and Gertrude Williams
stone 6, Ralph Hutchens
stone 7, Howard Reeves
Barbara A. and Howard Reeves
stone 8, Joe Curtis and Sarah Kay Lackey
Section 8A, Row 5
stone 1, John O. Mills (no stone found) bur. 3 Feb 1947
stone 1, Marybelle Mills (no stone found) bur. 20 Mar 1963
stone 1, "Father"
stone 2, Harry and Madelene Brumley
stone 3, "Mother"
stone 3.5, Joseph E. and Norma Jean Addington (Jean died 8 Oct 2022)
stone 4, Harry Vern and Marguerite (Chalfant) Addington
Section 8B, Row 5
stone 1, Willard and Nila Grove
stone 2, Fietta Kay Grove
stone 3, Edward and Sarah Grooms
stone 4, Mervin and Opal Bullard
stone 5, Royal Jess Harty
stone 6, John Harty
stone 7, Horace and Judith Harty
stone 8, Myrtle Harty
stone 9, Helen Hirsch
stone 10, Markle and Othal Hobbick
Section 8C, Row 5
stone 1, Herman and Tressie Grooms
stone 2, Harley and Olive Morris
stone 3, Hamilton and Mary Jane Grooms
stone 4, Clarence and Dorthy Grooms
stone 5, Harry and Delia Stephenson
stone 6, Mildred K. Stephenson
stone 7, Norman B. Smith
stone 8, Walter and Irene Alderman
stone 9, William and Anna Mary Alderman
stone 9.3, Chester and Ursel Wolfe
stone 9.5, Nancy Laughman
Section 8D, Row 5
stone 1, Clina R. and Josephine Henderson
stone 2, Charles and Mabel C. Dotson
stone 3, Herbert and Dovie Pyles
Section 8A, Row 6
stone 1, Karen Sue Mills
stone 1.5, Carolyn Mills, Daniel Rex Mills
stone 2, Kay Bulcher
stone 2.5, Carroll and Bonnie Thornburg
stone 3, William and Maud Mendenhall
stone 4, Charles and Ethel Lykins
stone 4.5, Cressie David Addington
stone 4.8, Doris Addington (daughter of Cressie)
stone 5, J. Leander and Dora E. (Feagans) Addington
Section 8B, Row 6
stone 1, James Ovid McCracken
stone 2, McCracken Surname Marker
stone 3, Mabel McCracken
stone 4, Ernest Addington
stone 5, Forrest and India Hinsey
stone 6, Grant and Hattie Spillers
Section 8C, Row 6
stone 1, Cecil and Crystal Case
stone 2, Lana Sue Goddard
stone 3, Ora, Goldie, Hazel, Francis Kuhn
stone 4, Forrest and Marcile Mumbower
Section 8D, Row 6
stone 1, Lisa Laughman
stone 1.5, Kathleen M. Brickley
stone 2, Lester and Indiana Oren, Beulah Geraldine Oren
stone 3, Chase and Nola McAllister
stone 3.5, James and Sheralyn Dotson
(June 2022)
stone 4, Danny E. Pyles
stone 4.5, Carey and Alma Denton
stone 5, Margie Faye Lackey
stone 6, Harry and Louellen Lackey
Section 8A, Row 7
stone 1, Walter and Mary McIntire
stone 2, Herb and Lola Mills
stone 2.5, Ralph Patterson
stone 3, John and Audrey Patterson
stone 4, Gordon Mendenhall
stone 5, Charles and Rettie Mendenhall
Section 8B, Row 7
stone 0.5, John and Betty Beeson
(May 2024)
stone 1, George and Gladys Spillers
stone 1.5, Marguerite Shires
stone 2, Max and Violet Bashia
Section 8C, Row 7
stone 0.5 Betty I Jenkins, E.E. Jack Jenkins
stone 1, Bobbie Mills
stone 2, Lee and Hazel Morris
stone 2.5, Myron Cook
stone 3, William and Golva Greene
stone 4, Izetta Sue Greene Morris
Section 8D, Row 7
stone 0.5, Coby Allen Harmon
stone 1, Willard and Mildred Oliver
stone 1.5, Thelma Bales, Emerson Bales
stone 2, Charles Oliver
stone 3, Robert Thornburg
stone 4, Adrien and Helen Sayers
stone 5, Max E. Sayers
Section 8A, Row 8
stone 1, Charles and Ethel McNees
14 March 2024
stone 2, Walter and Lucille Patterson
stone 3, Baby Boy Patterson
stone 4, Rhoda Ellen Mull
stone 5, Francis and Laura Hubbard
stone 6, Cecil Edgar Hubbard
Section 8B, Row 8
stone 1, Elmer E. Deal
stone 2, Deal Family Marker
stone 3, Mary Deal
stone 3.3, Jim Lee Curless
stone 3.5, Joan Grove Curless
stone 3.7, James Allen Grove
stone 3.9, Bonnie M. Grove
stone 4, J Gail and Nilah Main
stone 5, Bruce and Daisy Somerville
stone 5, Clarence Somerville (no stone found) bur. 17 Aug 1965
stone 5.5, James W. and Esther Bashia
stone 6, James L. and Merle E. Bashia
Section 8C, Row 8
stone 1, Avery V. Spear, Evelyn R. Spear
stone 2, Josie E Reichwein, Egbert B. Reichwein
stone 3, Francis W. Craigmile, Sarah Adaaline Craigmile, Elva Craigmile, Florence E. Craigmile 1906 - 1976 (east side)
stone 4, Lee M. Morris
stone 5, Milford Rinard, Anna M. Rinard, John C. Rinard, G. Pauline Rinard
stone 6, Chase T. Cook, Juanita L. Cook
stone 6.5, Brian K. Duncan
stone 7, John T. Dull, Zina E. Dull
Section 8D, Row 8
stone 1, Mary E. Bortner, Ora W. Bortner
stone 2, Clara B., Penery, Lester A. Penery
stone 2.5, Rev Burley A. Oren, Luella M. Oren
stone 3, Lois V. Tharp, Orville L. Tharp, Robert Tharp (east side)
stone 4, Robert Thornburgh, Nina Thornburgh, (east side) Keith A. Thornburgh, Charles D. Thornburgh
stone 5, Robert Patterson, Velma Patterson
stone 5, Rodney Patterson (no stone found) bur. no date
stone 6, Edward D. Shaw, Hazel K. Shaw
Section 8E, Row 1
stone 1, Kenneth and Frances McNees, Janet McNees
stone 2, William Lewis and Mary Addington
stone 2.5, Richard and Mary Addington
Mary E. Addington died Sept 9, 2015 (October 2015)
stone 3, Margaret Bond
stone 4, Max Davis
stone 5, Alfred Davis
Section 8F, Row 1
stone 1, William and Flossie Milburn
stone 2, Enoch and Mary Current
stone 3, Lester and Irene Retz
stone 3.5, Daniel Retz
stone 4, Paul and Mildred Leeper
stone 5, John and Bessie Mull
stone 6, Ernest Mull
stone 7, Lois Ann Mull
Section 8G, Row 1
stone 1, Homer R. Gray
stone 2, Nathan and Jennie Gray
stone 3, Wilbur and Wilma Hiatt
stone 4, David E.. and Leura E. Goodnight, George Goodnight
stone 5, James and Elsie Denton
stone 6, Russel and Gladys Mull, Russell Mull Jr.
Section 8H, Row 1
stone 1, Jesse and Clara Stuck
stone 2, Robert and Pauline Hedges
stone 3, Robert and Nora Wright
stone 3-3, Bruce and Elizabeth Main
stone 3-5, Jenny Lynn Main
stone 3-7, Donald and Ronda Downing
stone 3-9, Edwin and Fannie Graham, Cynthia Graham
stone 3.95 Steven W. Graham, Claudia A. Graham (October 2015)
stone 4, Crawford and Dorothy King
stone 4.5, Eldred King (June 2022)
stone 5, Denton and Bonnie King
stone 6, Robert and Rose McNees
stone 7, Paul E. Branson, Vonda Branson
Section 8E, Row 2
stone 0.5, Tory Lee Hunt
stone 1, Taylor and Maggie Parks
stone 1.5, C. B. Parks
stone 2, Leland and Vera Jean Addington
(October 2015) 2015 death date added
stone 2-5, Mark and Marilyn Berte
stone 3, Roy and Chloe Goshorn
stone 4, Harry Nichols
stone 5, Mable Green Nichols
Section 8F, Row 2
stone 1, Freeman and Eloise Duffey
stone 2, Sharon Duffey
stone 3, Charles and Laura Grove
stone 4, Ora and Grace Spence
Section 8G, Row 2
stone 1, Merrill and Virginia Painter, Carolyn Painter, (east side) Anna C. Painter, Lee A. Painter
stone 2, Elmer and Cora Bales
stone 3, Harry and Hazel Garvin
stone 3.5, Lawrence Arment
stone 3.5, Anna Arment (no stone found) bur. no date
stone 4, Jay and Juanita Craw
Section 8H, Row 2
stone 1, Guy and Cora Taylor, Richard Taylor
stone 2, Claude Anderson
stone 3, Dickie Dowd
stone 4, Dewey T. Cole (October 2015)
Section 8E, Row 3
stone 0.5, Gerald and Mary Fisher
stone 0.7, Keith and Evanna Mills
stone 1, Howard and Margaret Oren
Oren 14 March 2024
stone 2, Alten Barber
Section 8F, Row 3
stone 1, Arthur and Hattie Miller
stone 2, Marion and Leatha Clevenger
stone 3, William Corbert Myers and Elizabeth C. Myers
stone 4, Leon and Eileen Jarrett
Section 8G, Row 3
stone 1, Oneida Mills
stone 2, Josephine Mills
stone 3, John and Clara Simmons
stone 4, Daniel Thornburg
stone 4.5, Vernon and Wahneta Thornburg
(June 2022)
stone 4.7, Eleanore Mardis
stone 5, Pearl Fultz
stone 5.5, John and Lucille Wesley
(October 2015)
stone 6, Harry and Nettie Mull
Section 8E, Row 4
stone 1, Beverdy and Flora Greene
stone 1.5, Roger and Ginny Lumpkin
stone 1.7, Rodney and Carolyn Oren
stone 2, Walter and Hazel Barber, Alten M. Barber, Burness A. Barber, (east side) Dorthie M. Barber
Section 8F, Row 4
stone 1, Merl and Katherine Bradburn
stone 2, Lloyd Davis
stone 3, Ina Amburn
stone 3.5, Marvin and Marilyn Clevenger
stone 4, Cecil and Lonie Reed, Billie Reed
stone 4.5, Max and Iris Wolfe, Glenn and Mary Wolfe
(June 2022)
stone 5, Floyd and Daphne Young, (east side) Ross Bolt Jr., Thelma L. Bolt
Section 8G, Row 4
stone 1, Chester and Helen Mills, Oneida G. Mills, Wallace L. Mills
stone 2, John and Nellie Mills
stone 3, Donald and Amy Foreman
stone 3.5, Arvin Mills, Josephine Mills
stone 4, James and Alice Hamilton
Section 8E, Row 5
stone 1, Harold and Robert Greene
stone 2, Vernie and Goldie Oren
stone 3, Carl and Thelma Blair
stone 4, Lewis Blair
Section 8F, Row 5
stone 1, George Thornburg
stone 2, Lena Thornburg-Six
stone 3, Lawrence Thornburg
stone 3.5, Roberta M. Thornburg
stone 4, Ruth and Charles Medsker
stone 5, James and Bessie Bullard
stone 6, Walter and Edna Burnworth
stone 7, Ruby and Pearl Thornburg
stone 8, John and Alice Cline
Section 8G, Row 5
stone 0.5, Arthur and Marie Fannin
stone 1, Earl and Marjorie Shrack
stone 2, Merritt and Madeline Mills
stone 3, Leslie and Freda Vincent
stone 4, Gilva and Ermel Addington
stone 5, Clara Shaw
stone 5.5, Cecil and Osa Addington
stone 6, Charles and Mary Dull
stone 6.5, Monte R. Dull
stone 7, Joseph and Ethel Dull
Section 8H, Row 5
stone 0.5, Roe and Emma Miller
stone 0.7, Howard and Eileen Herron
stone 1, Douglas and Maxine Everroad
stone 2, Joseph and Mildred Oliphant
stone 3, Winston and Juanita Dickey, Dwight Dickey
Section 8I, Row 0
stone 1, James and Barbara Brown
(June 2022)
Section 8I, Row 1
stone 1, Elsworth and Bonita Neal, Tony Neal, Van Neal
(May 2024)
stone 2, Maurice and Winifred Keever
stone 3, James and Lena Brown
stone 4, Joseph and Anna Mettert
(June 2022)
stone 5, Richard and Zelda Hiatt
Section 8I, Row 2
stone 1, Elbert and Mary Main
stone 2, Richard Hiatt
stone 3, Elzworth Neal
stone 4, George and Pearl Wright
stone 5, Cecil and Maxine Wright
stone 6, James and Clara Ashley
Section 8I, Row 3
stone 1, Nena Jenell Keever
stone 2, Kienzel and Lucille Keever
(October 2015)
stone 3, George and Nora Younger
stone 4, George E Younger Sr.
Section 8I, Row 4
stone 1, Jimmie and Hazel Younger
stone 2, Philip and Ruby Younger
stone 3, Marvin and Pauline Miller
stone 4, Ronnie Lee Younger
stone 5, Richard Lackey, Linda Lackey (June 2022)
Section 8I, Row 5
stone 1, George and Mae Collins
stone 2, Heather Nicole Sanders, Funeral Home Marker Summer Dawn Fowler
stone 3, Rex Collins Delk, Beth E. Delk
stone 4, flat marker, no other information
Section 8I, Row 6
stone 1, Mary Helen and Russell E. Bradburn
stone 2, Flannery and Bertha Mae Wynn
stone 3, Kevin Ray Jacobs
site 4, Christopher R. Ellison 2006, Jermind Ezekial Ellison 2007
Section 8I, Row 7
stone 1, Howard J. and Juanita W McGill
stone 2, Virgil O. Wynn, Ione Wynn
(June 2022)
stone 3, Leonard S. Wynn, Jessie L. Wynn
(October 2015)
stone 4, Christine Wynn
stone 4,5, Peggy M Wynn
stone 5, Roy J. Wynn
Section 8I, Row 8
stone 1, Harry G. and Vonda Mills
Pamela J. Mills 1947-2015 buried on Vonda side (October 2015)
stone 2, Linton and Serena Hinty
stone 3, Jack L. Hinty
stone 4 Marlene King, Kelly Gene King
Section 8I, Row 9
stone 1, Kenneth and Esther Rust
(June 2022)
stone 2, Ronald and Beverly Young
Section 8I, Row 10
stone 1, Floyd and Carolyn Doss
stone 2, Dennis Doss
Section 8I, Row 12
stone 1, Lavon Lenora Wright
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14 March 2024
14 March 2024
14 March 2024
14 March 2024
14 March 2024
14 March 2024
Old Maxville Section | Old Church Lot | Section 1 | Section 2 | Section 3 | Section 4 | Section 5 | Section 6 | Section 7 | Section 8 | Rhody Section
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